CD Tracker Pro® is a FileMaker Pro® 2.1 database for keeping track of your CD collection. CD Tracker Pro® features a slick graphical interface (designed by a graphic artist/designer) that makes ‘tracking’ your CDs an efficient and effective Process. The Bottom Line: It is the ULTIMATE tool to keep track of your expanding compact disc collection.
*** CD Tracker Pro® requires a color monitor 13” or larger! ***
*** CD Tracker Pro® requires FileMaker Pro 2.1 or later! ***
Features Include:
+ Track your CDs by artist/album title/song/label/etc...
+ IMPORT and EXPORT records from/into other databases, etc...
+ Record sound bytes or “thumbnails” of your favorite song for each CD
+ Printing capabilities
+ Network friendly
+ Keep track of lyrics to your CDs
+ Sort/Search
+ CD Reporter (gives valuable info on your collection)
+ ...and much much more
=== CD Tracker Pro makes it EASY to upgrade from previous versions of CD Tracker pro, OR even from other products.
** To upgrade from an EARLIER version of CD Tracker Pro, just click on the “IMPORT” button in the CD Editor layout and select the earlier version of CD Tracker Pro (or the older CD Tracker, too) in the dialog box. Next match up the fields from the old with the new and click the “OK” button! That’s all! All your compact discs that were stored in the older version are NOW in the new version! You may now delete the old version to save space on your hard drive. To upgrade from a similar product, or from a text file, do the exact same procedure.
•Disclaimer• (let’s get it out of the way): I reserve all rights to CD Tracker Pro. Permission is granted to distribute copies of this program as long as this disclaimer is present and visible on all copies. This software MAY NOT be sold or distributed for profit without the written permission of the author. You may freely distribute CD Tracker Pro, just make sure it’s in it’s original form and has this ReadMe with it. The author makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding CD Tracker Pro. Use of CD Tracker Pro is at your own risk. The author claims no liability for data loss or other problems caused directly or indirectly by CD Tracker Pro.
CD Tracker Pro® is shareware. If you use it for more than 30 days, you must register it. Please send $15* to:
Jason Fried
2316 East Fifth Street
Tucson, AZ 85719 USA
email: fried@GAS.UUG.Arizona.Edu (please email me if you would like to comment, suggest, and/or, ummm, criticize).
* the $15 registers you and entitles you to the password, internet email updates/info, and “technical support” (like you’ll need any...). If you want to be mailed the latest version of CD Tracker Pro®, please enclose an additional $7 for S/H and the disk. If you would like CD Tracker Pro® mailed over seas, please include an additional $3 (for a total of $25).
Version History
v0.50 (Late September/Early October, 1994)
• first public beta
• lacked printing
• lacked CD reporter functions
• calculations didn’t work
v0.90 (Early/Mid October, 1994)
• second public beta
• major overhaul of GUI
• added the CD reporter functions and corrected
• added password Protection
• added catalog# field (user request)
• other major/minor fixes
v1.00 (October 18, 1994)
• first public RELEASE
• fixed Problems with the CD reporter functions
• added printing capabilities
• fixed some minor cosmetic Problems (user request)
v1.40 (October 22, 1994)
• second public RELEASE
• added list view option to the CD editor (user request)
• fixed modification Problems
• changed password
• overall major imProvements in speed, design, printing,
and display
v1.45 (October 24, 1994)
• major speed increase when browsing
• streamlined and improved printing Process (user request)
• added modified date/time fields (user request)
• added IMPORT function (user request)
• fixed various cosmetic Problems, etc
• ...other things here and there
v2.0 (Now called CD Tracker Pro®) (November 01, 1994)